Ministries and Outreach

Christmas Box Project in partnership with Samaritan’s Purse

“Let the children come to Me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.”
Mark 10:14, ESV

The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Through this project, Samaritan’s Purse partners with the local church worldwide to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of the nation.

There are two ways to participate. You may choose to build a box on line, choosing a boy or girl, age range and items. You then enter a credit card. Or you can get a box from the church and go and purchase items. Then return the box to the church.

This link goes to building a box on line.

Link to build boxes on line is coming soon.

This link will guide you through purchasing items and what to pack in each box.

What to pack in cardboard box

Men’s Mission Group

The Men’s Mission Group has been quite busy this year with several responsibilities.

They strive to take care of the physical property of our Father’s house and repair all that needs repairing. In addition they have a maintence group available to go to parishioners homes to do light maintenance for those that are unable to do there own. This service is not limited to those of Valley Presbyterian. Members of the community may also request. help. There service also include transportation for those in need.

The group helps to feed members and their families who are hungry. At their monthly luncheons they collect money and have game nights to raise money for the Salvation Army food mission.

Recently the group collected playground equipment for a school in a disavantaged area and most recently they collected toilet paper, tissues, white board wipes and paper towels for the same school (pictured).

Because of the very generous donations toward Beaver Dam Elementary School Christmas Project, the men’s luncheon group was able to present them with a gift of twice our original estimated amount! There was definatly happy children on Christmas Day.

The men’s group also donated a new desk to the churches technical team and modified it to meet the teams needs.

Women’s Ministry Group

Salvation Army

The Women’s Food Basket Mission began in 2020.  At that time our mission only did meals for holidays  for families only.  In 2021 our mission started doing baskets every other month, 4 baskets for seniors and 4 baskets for families. Then in 2022 our mission was doing 8 baskets for seniors and 8 baskets for families each month.  In 2023 we increased our baskets to 14 for seniors and 14 for families every month and we fed 559 people that year.  This year 2024 we have been doing 14 baskets for seniors and 8 baskets for families and have fed 487 people so far this month.  We have had to cut back on the number of baskets because of the high food prices, but thanks to the generous donations of the congregation we are still able to help many needy people. 

In addition to the food baskets, the mission gives out  gift cards to church family members for different purposes.  Church members have  given money to the homeless, helped the Salvation Army, Senior Center, and Highland Manor by donating socks, slippers, travel size personal items and plastic ware. Along with  the Exchange Club we donated travel size items for the Drug Court Program.  Our mission members also make crocheted hats for the baskets along with Christmas stockings filled with all kinds of goodies.  The Mission also buys for the Angel Tree, seniors, and families.  We also donate to the Veterans Center to send packages overseas at Christmas time. 

Our meetings are on the second Thursday of every month at 1:00 pm at Valley Presbyterian Church.  This meeting is where we plan our next meals and make things like the Christmas stockings.   

The ladies thank all church members for all your generosity and support through the years.  God bless you all. 

This is a from an article about the Salvation Army in a recent newspaper article that mentions our mission group.  

“One of the marvelous things about community is that it enables us to welcome and help people in a way we couldn’t as individuals.  When we pool our strength and share the work and responsibility, we can welcome many people, even those in deep distress and perhaps help them find self-confidence and inner healing.”  Which brings me to the lovely ladies of the Presbyterian church.  This year the ladies of the Presbyterian church has served 427 families and seniors.  They have been doing this for 5 years.  Every month they go shopping for each of the family and senior members that were selected.  A lot of time and care goes into each and every meal.  We are so blessed to work with these ladies as we see the thoughtfulness, generosity and kindness as they put them together and even hand them out.”

Food Bank

Each month when Valley Presbyterian gathers around the Lord’s Table for Communion, we gather some of our gifts of food and finances to share with those in need. Some of our church members volunteer on a regular basis.

Prayer Shawl and Outreach

The Prayer Shawl and Outreach group distributes shawls and quilts to those in need of support and also to recognize those who have gone above and beyond. In addition they support Senior Living Centers and other projects the group has identified. The group has been working with our local police. Many of the quilts and shawls are distributed by the police to homeless people, people in need they call on, elderly residents, victims of domestic violence and any other areas they see a need.

Below are photos from blessing the the shawls on Sunday, February 4.

Senior Living Centers

The Prayer Shawl/Outreach group sponsor and help with activities at the local senior living centers.

The group assisted residents of the Mesa Valley Estates in a Teddy Bear Clinic for local children. Children brought their stuffed animals to the clinic to be weighed, measured and evaluated by a certified stuffed animal doctor for any problems. Light repairs were made to the stuffed animals if needed. The purpose of the clinic was to teach children that doctors visits weren’t scary.

Shirley and resident taking temperature


The doctor evaluating Mr. Bear
Judy measureing patients.

Members of the Prayer Shawl/Outreach group visited the Beehive Senior Living Centers for a Hymn Day. Mary Bowers played some of the older hymns that residents knew by heart. The residents love to have music days when the group visits.

Members that led the hymn sing in at the Beehive Senior Center were Shirley Jessup, Pat Waldorf, Marilyn Weiss, Judy Strachan and Mary Bowers.

They reported that they had as much fun as the residents!


In May, members assisted Mesa Valley Senior Living staff in holding a pie judging contest.

Pies on the left were donated by church members.


Members of the group held a Spring Sing Along for residents at the Beehive house. They also celebrated Mary (resident) 94th birthday. Once again Priss Steelman led the singing with her ukulele.