
We were honored to have special music by father and daughter Brian Wursten and Shanae Arave on Mother’s day. It was a special treat.

The men of the congregation have started a Men’s Mission group. Please see the Mission and Outreach page for details.

It’s time for the VPC Church Directory updates. If you are not in the directory, and would like to be, there is a shrort form in the back of the church to fill out. This time, your picture will be included. Please send a photo to Karen at If you don’t have a photo of yourself, Kathy Bakken will take one for you after church.

The next Friendship Dinner will be at Mesquite Trailhead Park up past the Sports Complex at 5 p.m. Ribs will be provided. Please bring chairs, a side dish and drinks. This will be the last one until fall.

Monthly Food Bank donations will be accepted the first Sunday of each month. The food bank is in great need of Peanut Butter and Ramen noodles. It was announced that the population of Mesquite is growing and so is the need to help those in the community less fortunate. Please consider bringing non-perishable items on the first Sunday of each month.

Hymn Request – If you have a special hymn request please let Rev. Doyel know.

In Remembrance – A Permanent memorial bequest book is maintained at the church. Those wishing to donate a memorial for a deceased loved one, please see Pastor Doyel.

Office Hours – 9 a.m. to noon, Tuesday through Friday.

Weekly Bible Study has ended for the season and will resume in the fall.

The church has acquired a new (new to us) Kawai GS30 Grand Piano – the wonderful sound is noticable. If you would like to make a donation to help defray the cost please do so and indicate Piano on the envelope or check.

Please check the calendar for Men’s Luncheon and Ladies Mission meeting times.

“Per Capita” is an assessment on a Presbyterian Church that allows members to help fund the national Denomination. Should you choose to it comes to $48 per member for 2024 and can be given in the offering or the church office.