
Women’s Prayer Shawl and Outreach

Shirley Jessup hosted a luncheon for the prayer shawl group. The police advocates came and talked about how our quilts, blankets, toys and other things were used when children and families were in need and police are involved. Then members shared donation items they worked on during the summer.

October Friendship Dinner

The October Friendship Dinner was held at the home of Carol Peters. It was a large crowd and we are grateful that Carol welcomed us all.

Annual Picnic Fellowship Dinner

The annual picnic was held May 17 at Jensen Trailside Park. Some wonderful volunteers cooked baby back ribs for the entire group. Members also brought tasty side dishes – what a variety! We shared lots of stories and laughter and so much food! This will be our last fellowship dinner while we break for the summer. The next one will be in September.

Prayer Shawl Group Champagne Brunch

A champagne brunch was held for the Prayer Shawl Group on May 11. The group had a short business meeting also. It was decided that we would make activity bags, not only for children visiting our church, but also for the police advocates. The police advocates reported that in addition to the quilts and shawls that they give to various people, they need activities for children while in their care while parents are dealing paperwork and such. We will be making activiy bags for these hcildren. We also had show and tell of quilts and shawls that the group has made recently.

St. Patrick’s Friendship Dinner

On Friday March 15, a wonderful corn beef and cabbage dinner was held at the Worden Restaurant to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. This was sponsored by Leo and Wendie Black and George Miller. Thanks to the generous and gracious hosts, a great time was had by all.